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7 Ways Getting an Eye Exam is Good for Your Health

August 22, 2023

If you are overdue for an eye exam, consider that a comprehensive eye exam is healthy for your eyes and can also be good for your overall health! There are many ways in which eye exams can have a positive effect on your health, from the detection of systemic health conditions to the preservation of your quality of life!

Consider all the benefits of an eye exam beyond clear vision. Keep reading to learn seven ways getting an eye exam is good for your health!

1. For the Early Diagnosis of Eye Conditionsshutterstock-1575687874-1

Eye exams can help detect eye conditions that could threaten your vision in their early stages. These include cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy.

Many of these eye conditions and diseases develop slowly, and it can take years for symptoms to develop. Identifying these conditions as early as possible can allow for timely intervention and more effective treatment, potentially preventing vision loss or blindness. 

2. For the Detection of Systemic Health Issues

Eye exams can do more than identify eye conditions. A comprehensive eye exam can also identify the signs of systemic health issues, like high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, among others.


Often, the blood vessels in the eye show clues to systemic health problems. For instance, unmanaged diabetes can often cause blood vessels in the retina to leak blood or other fluids, leading to visual impairment and even irreversible vision loss.

This can prompt you to schedule an earlier appointment with your primary care physician to get certain signs or symptoms looked at.

3. For the Preservation of Clear Vision

Because changes in the quality of your vision can be subtle, you may not immediately notice that your current eye prescription is out-of-date. Regularly scheduled eye exams can ensure that the prescription for your corrective eyewear gives you the clearest vision possible. 

Having an out-of-date eye prescription can lead to problems like eye strain and headaches as your eyes try to focus. Corrective eyewear with the most current prescription can make activities like driving or working in front of a computer more comfortable and easier to manage.

4. For Ensuring Eye Comfort and Health 

If you spend long hours working on a computer or other electronic device with a screen, having an eye exam can identify conditions like dry eye syndrome or eye strain that often are caused by extended screen time.shutterstock-2082220810

While both eye strain and dry eye syndrome can cause sore, tired, burning, or itchy eyes, blurred or double vision, and tension headaches, dry eye syndrome can have a more serious effect on the health of your eyes

Untreated dry eye syndrome can cause corneal ulcers and scarring, which can lead to vision impairment or loss. 

5. For the Prevention of Accidents or Injuries

Poor vision has been linked to an increased likelihood of accidents and injuries, especially when driving or performing hazardous tasks. When you are unable to see clearly, you are potentially putting yourself and others at risk.

Heathy vision is so vital to some occupations that employers require their workers to have a clean bill of eye health. Eye exams help ensure that your vision is clear and your eyes are healthy, allowing you to safely perform any task. 

6. For Helping to Achieve a Lifetime of Clear Vision

Yearly eye exams are especially important for older adults. As you age, your eyes undergo physical changes that can lead to eye conditions commonly seen in older adults, like cataracts and glaucoma.

Cataracts are the most common cause of visual impairment among older adults, affecting nearly half of people over the age of sixty-five. When properly diagnosed, cataracts can be effectively treated with cataract surgery, a safe and common procedure that can restore vision and even reduce your dependency on visual aids.

7. For Preserving Your Quality of Life

If you are experiencing issues with your vision, it can have a significant impact on your quality of life. Vision impaired by the symptoms of eye problems, like cloudy vision, tunnel vision, or blurry vision, can interfere with your ability to live your life to its fullest.shutterstock-1634081890

Studies have shown that a person's quality of life is often linked to their sense of worth and self-esteem. When you feel confident about the clarity of your vision, it allows you to fully enjoy all the activities which enhance the quality of your life. 

Regularly scheduled eye exams do so much more than just check your vision. They also protect your overall well-being by detecting conditions, promoting healthy work environments, and ensuring your quality of vision is not affecting your quality of life.

Is it time for you to have an eye exam? Schedule an appointment at Advanced Eye Care & Aesthetics in Bel Air, MD, today!