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Am I a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting?

September 8, 2023

Are you frustrated with stubborn pockets of fat, like love handles or a muffin top, despite the fact that you exercise every day and pay strict attention to your diet? The reality is that sometimes these fat deposits can be nearly impossible to get rid of, even with concerted effort.

Luckily, there is now a non-surgical, minimally-invasive way to target stubborn areas of fat: CoolSculpting! With CoolSculpting, you can have a flatter stomach, thinner thighs, or a more sculpted bum without spending hours at the gym or placing severe restrictions on what foods you are able to enjoy.

Keep reading to learn more about Coolsculpting and if you may be a candidate!

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved fat reduction procedure. It is used to help people get rid of persistent fat deposits on their bodies that have not responded to diet and exercise.shutterstock-2189181511

CoolSculpting treatment is used to help individuals trim areas of fat, reduce the appearance of sagging skin, and give the body a leaner appearance from every angle. On average, areas of the body targeted with CoolSculpting experience a twenty to twenty-five percent reduction of fat, with no change in fat cell distribution.

The FDA has approved CoolSculpting for nine areas of the body: the jawline, under the chin, the upper arms, back or bra-line fat, the flank area or love handles” the abdomen, the thighs, and under the buttocks.

The results of CoolSculpting are permanent! Once you have finished your CoolSculpting treatment plan, you do not have to worry about fat returning to the areas treated. 

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

CoolSculpting uses a special applicator to deliver cold temperatures to targeted areas of the body. The cold application causes the fat cells underneath to freeze and crystalize, after which they gradually die off, a process called apoptosis.shutterstock-2277364351

During apoptosis, the fat cells begin to collapse and die. Within a few weeks, the surrounding cells will consume the dead fat cells, eliminating them from the body and leaving the area leaner and more sculpted.

Most people who have been treated with CoolSculpting report little or no pain during the treatment. Many say that the area treated is likely to feel numb or experience an icy sensation. 

Following CoolSculpting treatment, the majority of people are able to resume their normal activities immediately.

Are You a Good Candidate for CoolSculpting?

Like any medical procedure, a good candidate for CoolSculpting typically meets factors that make the treatment safer and more effective. Here are the most important factors to consider in determining whether you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting:

You Are in Good Overall Health 

The best candidates for CoolSculpting have good health overall, with no underlying health conditions that could affect the outcome of the procedure. You may not be a good candidate for CoolSculpting if you have chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, an autoimmune disorder, a recent history of an eating disorder, have had a hernia in the area to be treated, or have had surgery in the area to be treated.shutterstock-2267500961

You Are Close to Your Target Weight

Because CoolSculpting is not a weight-loss method but a fat-reduction treatment, it is most effective for individuals who are close to their ideal weight and have a stable weight history. Individuals with a body mass index (BMI) within the normal or slightly overweight range tend to be better CoolSculpting candidates. 

You Have Good Skin Elasticity

Good skin elasticity is important as it ensures that your skin can properly contract after the fat cell are removed from the areas of your body targeted by CoolSculpting. Having good skin elasticity allows you to achieve better contouring results and a more sculpted appearance.

You Are Looking to Target Approved Areas of Fat

CoolSculpting is FDA-approved to target fat in just the areas of the body mentioned above: the jawline, under the chin, the upper arms, back or bra-line fat, the flank area or love handles, the abdomen, the thighs and under the buttocks.

You Have Realistic Expectations 

Having realistic expectations about what CoolSculpting can and cannot achieve is important to the success of your treatment and your overall satisfaction. It is good to remember that while CoolSculpting can help reduce fat in targeted areas, it will not result in significant weight loss.

You Are a Non-Smoker

In addition to all of the other ways in which smoking is harmful to your body, smoking can slow the recovery process following CoolSculpting treatment and delay your excellent results.


You Are Not Pregnant or Planning to Become Pregnant

It is not advisable to schedule CoolSculpting treatment if you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant. Because of the way that pregnancy changes the body, it is better to postpone CoolSculpting treatment until you are done with having children.

Sometimes, it is just not possible to exercise and diet away deposits of unwanted fat. With CoolSculpting, you can achieve your body goals and enjoy increased satisfaction with your overall appearance!

Are you interested in learning more about CoolSculpting? Schedule an appointment at Advanced Aesthetic and Med Spa today to learn more about the amazing result possible with CoolSculpting!