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Reduce Wrinkles and Look Years Younger with These Injectable Fillers

February 12, 2024

Do you ever look in the mirror and feel surprised that your reflection looks older than you feel on the inside? While there’s not much anyone can do to stop the progression of time, there is one way to turn back the clock on aging: injectable fillers!

Keep reading to learn how you can reduce wrinkles and look years younger with injectable fillers!

What are Injectable Fillers?

Injectable fillers, which are also known as dermal fillers or soft tissue fillers, are medical substances that are injected beneath the surface of the skin to add volume, create contours, and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. They are commonly used in cosmetic or aesthetic treatments to enhance facial features and minimize the signs of aging.

Many people opt for injectable fillers over more invasive, time-consuming, and expensive facial rejuvenation surgeries. The benefits of injectable filler are not permanent, but they usually last between three and six months for most patients.

One of the most commonly used and effective injectable fillers is hyaluronic acid (HA). Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in the skin that helps to maintain hydration and elasticity. 

HA fillers are a popular choice for patients looking to add volume, smooth wrinkles, and enhance facial contours. Like most fillers, HA fillers are temporary and naturally break down in the body over time.

Other common types of fillers include calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) fillers, which are composed of a mineral-like compound found in the bones; ploy-l-lactic (PPLA) fillers, which work by stimulating the production of collagen over time; and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) fillers which contains PMMA microspheres and are particularly effective at correcting deep wrinkles and acne scarring.

What Are Injectable Fillers Used For?

Injectable fillers have a variety of uses, all of which are aimed at accomplishing a variety of cosmetic goals. They are commonly used for the following cosmetic applications:

  • To remove wrinkles and fine lines 
  • To plump up thin lips 
  • To enhance shallow contours
  • To soften facial creases
  • To improve the appearance of recessed scars, like scarring from acne
  • To reconstruct contour deformities in the face
  • To decrease or remove the shadowing on the lower eyelids

Injectable fillers can be used as a stand-alone aesthetic treatment or as part of a facial rejuvenation surgery plan. Increasingly, younger people are opting for injectable fillers as a way of preventing future signs of aging. 

Do you want to learn more about injectable fillers?

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Who is a Good Candidate for Injectable Fillers?

Determining whether you are a good candidate for injectable fillers should involve a careful assessment by a qualified injectable filler provider. In general, good candidates for injectable fillers should meet the following criteria:

Overall Good Health

A good candidate for injectable fillers should be in good overall health with no significant medical conditions that could interfere with the healing process or increase the risk of complications.

Realistic Expectations

A clear understanding of the limitations of injectable fillers, as well as realistic expectations of possible outcomes, is a must for good candidates. Those considering injectable fillers should understand that fillers do not offer permanent results and individual outcomes vary.

Reasonable Areas of Concern

There are limits to the effectiveness of injectable fillers. Injectable fillers work best for people with dynamic wrinkles, which are wrinkles that have developed over time through repetitive muscle movement and wrinkles that are mild to moderate.

No Allergies to Filler Ingredients

Good filler candidates should have no known allergies to the ingredients in the filler to be used. It’s important that filler patients fully disclose any allergies or sensitivities they may have ahead of treatment.

Not Pregnant or Breastfeeding

It is advisable for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding to delay injectable filler treatments. Most fillers do not have enough clinical data to show whether they can be safely used by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Informed Understanding

It is important for a good candidate to have an informed understanding of the potential risks, side effects, and complications associated with injectable fillers. A person may not be a good candidate if they do not meet the criteria above, are a smoker, or have certain medical conditions, such as a bleeding disorder.

What Injectable Fillers Are Available at Advanced Eye & Aesthetics?

At Advanced Eye Care & Aesthetics, we offer a wide range of the most well-known brands of injectable fillers. Our goal when providing filler treatment is to offer our patients the product that will work best to help them meet their appearance goals.

The injectable fillers we offer at Advanced Eye Care and Aesthetics include Juvéderm, Voluma, Volux, Volbella, and the complete line of Restylane injectables from Galderma. Because not every injectable is right for every person, our knowledgeable staff is able to individually advise patients of the most effective options.

Treatments with injectable fillers at Advanced Eye Care and Aesthetics are administered right in our office and take just minutes to complete. Post-treatment, there can be redness and swelling at the site of the injections, but this usually clears up on its own within a few hours.

Side effects are extremely rare, and people are usually able to return to their normal activities immediately. The full effects of injectable fillers are typically seen within a week of treatment.

Injectable fillers can diminish wrinkles, plump up thinning lips, and soften the facial creases that are an inevitable part of aging. You can look as young as you feel again when you opt for an injectable filler treatment at Advanced Eye Care & Aesthetics! 

Do you want to say goodbye to frown lines and crow’s feet with injectable fillers? Schedule an appointment at Advanced Eye Care & Aesthetics in Bel Air, MD, today!